標籤:庚子俄難GengZiRussianDisaster 的相關文章

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2021-01-24 11. 海參崴的前世今生之二 Past and present in Vladivostok Ⅱ
2021-01-24 10. 海參崴的前世今生之一 Past and present in Vladivostok Ⅰ
2021-01-24 9. 袁騰飛聊海參崴:沙俄的罪行,跟俄羅斯有關係嗎? Yuan Tengfei talked about Vladivostok - Does the crime of Tsarist Russia
2021-01-24 8. 海參崴事件:中共國簡直軟弱無能到了家 The Vladivostok incident - the CCP is so weak and incompetent
2021-01-24 7. 海參崴:不能講的地方,不能說的歷史 Vladivostok - places that cannot be told, history that cannot be told
2021-01-24 6. 賣國!俄羅斯加收455%費用賣石油給中共國 Quisle! Russia charges 455% to sell oil to China
2021-01-24 5. 俄國到底強佔了中共國多少土地?怎麼不敢要回來? How much land did Russia seize the CCP? Why don't you dare to ask for it
2021-01-24 4. 祖國領土不可分割?習近平如何面對江澤民的賣國? The motherland's territory is indivisible? How did Xi Jinping face Jiang
2021-01-24 3. 二戰後蘇聯掠奪東北秘聞 Secrets of Soviet plunder of Northeast after World War II
2021-01-24 2. 習近平登黑瞎子島,曝江澤民賣國醜聞 Xi Jinping visits Heixiazi Island and exposes Jiang Zemin’s traitorous scandal
2021-01-24 1. 海參崴的問題 Problems in Vladivostok