卡拉瑪經(網頁版) Kesamuttisutta (AN 3.66)


     【佛曆 2567.7.7 心 法師 修訂】
     【佛曆 2555.7.21 釋如戒 法師 初校】

     【經名】 2.2.5 Kesamuttisutta 卡拉瑪經 (AN 3.66)


★ 菩提僧團所譯的經典,以及巴利佛經,除了幫助他人學習戒律、定力和智慧外,不應該用於其他目的!並請保留:完整的經文內容和參考說明,非常感謝! ★

     《卡拉瑪經》詳細目錄 (Inventory)

     ☆ 本經大意 ➾


     必須透過依教奉行【四聖諦】:「㊀ 惡業苦觸,和㊁ 能導致無益與苦果的原因──十種惡法;㊂ 現法樂住,和㊃ 能帶來利益與樂果的原因──十種善法」才能瞭解正法,並不是盲從〝比對〞。

     《卡拉瑪經》與《四大教法經》的忠告 ☞ 〝如是我聞〞與〝比對〞不代表佛說!

     十種惡法 ➾ ㈠ 貪心、㈡ 貪行、㈢ 瞋心、㈣ 瞋行、㈤ 痴心、㈥ 痴行、㈦ 不善、㈧ 犯罪、㈨ 聖智譴責、㈩ 苦果。

     佛說:「❶ (汝等)勿信風俗──透過反覆廣告;❷ 勿輕信傳統;❸ 勿輕信聽聞;❹ 勿信因與經教相合;❺ 勿信基於推理──透過猜測;❻ 勿信基於學術研究──透過公理;❼ 勿信情況考慮周詳──似是而非;❽ 勿信見解卓越──偏見投其所好;❾ 勿信形象權威;❿ 勿信因此沙門,是我等祖師。

     卡拉瑪眾!汝等若自己發現──『① ~⑦ 此法是不善,⑧ 此法是有罪,⑨ 此法已被智者所譴責,⑩ 如果接受此法,能導致無益與苦果!』卡拉瑪眾!其時,汝等則應徹底放棄(十種惡法)……。

     十種善法 ➾ ㈠ 戒心、㈡ 戒行、㈢ 定心、㈣ 定行、㈤ 慧心、㈥ 慧行、㈦ 祥善、㈧ 無過、㈨ 聖智稱讚、㈩ 樂果。

     卡拉瑪眾!汝等若自己發現──『⓵ ~⓻ 此法是善,⓼ 此法是無罪,⓽ 此法已被智者所稱讚,⓾ 如果接受此法,能帶來利益與樂果!』卡拉瑪眾!其時,汝等則應具足安住(十種善法)!」

     ~《增支部經典‧三集‧五十經篇之二‧大品‧Kesamuttisutta 卡拉瑪經》(AN 3.66)

     ☆ 相關經文 ➾

     【一】《增支部經典‧三集‧五十經篇之二‧大品‧Kesamuttisutta 卡拉瑪經》(AN 3.66)
     【二】《增支部經典‧三集‧五十經篇之二‧大品‧Sāḷhasutta 沙羅經》(AN 3.67)
     【三】《增支部經典‧四集‧五十經篇之四‧故思品‧Mahāpadesasutta 四大教法經》(AN 4.180)
     【四】《增支部經典‧四集‧五十經篇之四‧大品‧Bhaddiyasutta 離車人跋提經》(AN 4.193)

     ☆ 四念住 ➾ ㈠ 身念住、㈡ 受念住、㈢ 心念住、㈣ 法念住。


     ~《長部經典‧波梨品‧Dasuttarasutta 十上經》(DN 34, 354)

     ☆ 五不還(五種不還果) Pañca-anāgāmi ➾
     ㈠ 中般涅槃(中間般涅槃 Antarā-parinibbāyin )

     ㈡ 生般涅槃( Upahacca-parinibbāyin )

     ㈢ 無行般涅槃( Asasaṅkhāra-parinibbāyin )

     ㈣ 有行般涅槃( Sasaṅkhāra-parinibbāyin )

     ㈤ 上流至色究竟(阿迦膩吒天 Uddhaṃsoto akaniṭṭhagāmī )

     ~《增支部經典‧七集‧五十經篇之二‧無記品‧Purisagatisutta 七種人趣經》(AN 7.55)

     5. Kesamuttisuttaṃ
【 English Translated from the Pali by Soma Thera 】

     第一品 ✫ 說法緣起 Occasion

     第一章 ✩ 卡拉瑪經背景 Back ground to the Kalama sutta

     第一節 ❦ 前言 Preface

     ﹝全一卷 ➲﹞ 66. Evaṃ me sutaṃ –
     I heard thus.

     ekaṃ samayaṃ bhagavā kosalesu cārikaṃ caramāno mahatā bhikkhusaṅghena saddhiṃ yena kesamuttaṃ [kesaputtaṃ (sī. syā. kaṃ. pī.)] nāma kālāmānaṃ nigamo tadavasari.
     Once the Blessed One, while wandering in the Kosala country with a large community of bhikkhus, entered a town of the Kalama people called Kesaputta.

     Assosuṃ kho kesamuttiyā kālāmā –
     The Kalamas who were inhabitants of Kesaputta:

     “samaṇo khalu, bho, gotamo sakyaputto sakyakulā pabbajito kesamuttaṃ anuppatto.
     "Reverend Gotama, the monk, the son of the Sakyans, has, while wandering in the Kosala country, entered Kesaputta.

     Taṃ kho pana bhavantaṃ gotamaṃ evaṃ kalyāṇo kittisaddo abbhuggato –
     The good repute of the Reverend Gotama has been spread in this way:

     第二節 ❦ 頌佛十德 Ten titles of a Buddha

     ‘itipi so bhagavā
     Indeed, the Blessed One is thus

     ⑴ 阿羅漢──應供者、

     ⑵ 正遍知──正等覺者、
     fully enlightened,

     ⑶ 明行足者、
     endowed with knowledge and practice,

     ⑷ 善逝者、

     ⑸ 世間解者、
     knower of the worlds,

     ⑹ 無上士者、

     ⑺ 調御丈夫者、
     guide of tamable men,

     satthā devamanussānaṃ
     ⑻ 天人師、
     teacher of divine and human beings,

     ⑼ 佛陀、

     ⑽ 世尊。』

     第三節 ❦ 轉聖法律 Turn the 4-Noble Truths' Wheel

     So imaṃ lokaṃ sadevakaṃ samārakaṃ sabrahmakaṃ sassamaṇabrāhmaṇiṃ pajaṃ sadevamanussaṃ sayaṃ abhiññā sacchikatvā pavedeti.
     which he by himself has through direct knowledge understood clearly.

     So dhammaṃ deseti ādikalyāṇaṃ majjhekalyāṇaṃ pariyosānakalyāṇaṃ, sātthaṃ sabyañjanaṃ, kevalaparipuṇṇaṃ parisuddhaṃ brahmacariyaṃ pakāseti.
     He set forth the Dhamma, good in the beginning, good in the middle, good in the end, possessed of meaning and the letter, and complete in everything; and he proclaims the holy life that is perfectly pure.

     Sādhu kho pana tathārūpānaṃ arahataṃ dassanaṃ hotī”ti.
     Seeing such consummate ones is good indeed."

     第二章 ✩ 卡拉瑪人見佛 The Kalamas of Kesaputta go to see the Buddha

     Atha kho kesamuttiyā kālāmā yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkamiṃsu;
     Then the Kalamas who were inhabitants of Kesaputta went to where the Blessed One was.

     upasaṅkamitvā appekacce bhagavantaṃ abhivādetvā ekamantaṃ nisīdiṃsu,
     On arriving there some paid homage to him and sat down on one side;

     appekacce bhagavatā saddhiṃ sammodiṃsu, sammodanīyaṃ kathaṃ sāraṇīyaṃ vītisāretvā ekamantaṃ nisīdiṃsu,
     some exchanged greetings with him and after the ending of cordial memorable talk, sat down on one side;

     appekacce yena bhagavā tenañjaliṃ paṇāmetvā ekamantaṃ nisīdiṃsu,
     some saluted him raising their joined palms and sat down on one side;

     appekacce nāmagottaṃ sāvetvā ekamantaṃ nisīdiṃsu,
     some announced their name and family and sat down on one side;

     appekacce tuṇhībhūtā ekamantaṃ nisīdiṃsu.
     some without speaking, sat down on one side.

     第三章 ✩ 分辨善惡真偽? The Kalamas of Kesaputta ask for guidance from the Buddha

     Ekamantaṃ nisinnā kho te kesamuttiyā kālāmā bhagavantaṃ etadavocuṃ –
     The Kalamas who were inhabitants of Kesaputta sitting on one side said to the Blessed One:

     “Santi, bhante, eke samaṇabrāhmaṇā kesamuttaṃ āgacchanti.
     "There are some monks and brahmans, venerable sir, who visit Kesaputta.

     Te sakaṃyeva vādaṃ dīpenti jotenti,
     They expound and explain only their own doctrines;

     parappavādaṃ pana khuṃsenti vambhenti paribhavanti omakkhiṃ [opapakkhiṃ (sī. syā. kaṃ. pī.), omakkhikaṃ (ka.)] karonti.
     the doctrines of others they despise, revile, and pull to pieces.

     Aparepi, bhante, eke samaṇabrāhmaṇā kesamuttaṃ āgacchanti.
     Some other monks and brahmans too, venerable sir, come to Kesaputta.

     Tepi sakaṃyeva vādaṃ dīpenti jotenti,
     They also expound and explain only their own doctrines;

     parappavādaṃ pana khuṃsenti vambhenti paribhavanti omakkhiṃ karonti.
     the doctrines of others they despise, revile, and pull to pieces.

     Tesaṃ no, bhante, amhākaṃ hoteva kaṅkhā hoti vicikicchā –
     Venerable sir, there is doubt, there is uncertainty in us concerning them.

     ‘ko su nāma imesaṃ bhavataṃ samaṇabrāhmaṇānaṃ saccaṃ āha, ko musā’”ti?
     Which of these reverend monks and brahmans spoke the truth and which falsehood?"

     第二品 ✫ 佛智解惑 The response from the Buddha

     第一章 ✩ 十種惡法之判斷 The criterion for rejection

     第一節 ❦ 如實態度 ─➢ 勿信謠言 Don't believe rumors

     “Alañhi vo, kālāmā, kaṅkhituṃ alaṃ vicikicchituṃ.
     "It is proper for you, Kalamas, to doubt, to be uncertain;

     Kaṅkhanīyeva pana [kaṅkhanīyeva ca pana (saṃyuttanikāye)] vo ṭhāne vicikicchā uppannā”.
     uncertainty has arisen in you about what is doubtful.

     ‘Etha tumhe, kālāmā!
     Come, Kalamas.

     mā anussavena,
     ❶ (汝等)勿信風俗──透過反覆廣告;
     Do not go upon what has been acquired by repeated hearing;

     mā paramparāya,
     ❷ 勿輕信傳統;
     nor upon tradition;

     mā itikirāya,
     ❸ 勿輕信聽聞;
     nor upon rumor;

     mā piṭakasampadānena,
     ❹ 勿信因與經教相合;
     nor upon what is in a scripture;

     mā takkahetu,
     ❺ 勿信基於推理──透過猜測;
     nor upon surmise;

     mā nayahetu,
     ❻ 勿信基於學術研究──透過公理;
     nor upon an axiom;

     mā ākāraparivitakkena,
     ❼ 勿信情況考慮周詳──似是而非;
     nor upon specious reasoning;

     mā diṭṭhinijjhānakkhantiyā,
     ❽ 勿信見解卓越──偏見投其所好;
     nor upon a bias toward a notion that has been pondered over;

     mā bhabbarūpatāya,
     ❾ 勿信形象權威;
     nor upon another's seeming ability;

     mā samaṇo no garū’ti.
     ❿ 勿信因此沙門,是我等祖師。』
     nor upon the consideration, 'The monk is our teacher.'

     第二節 ❦ 實證態度 ─➢ 不斷發現 Rumors stop at the wise

     Yadā tumhe, kālāmā, attanāva jāneyyātha –
     Kalamas, when you yourselves know:

     ‘ime dhammā akusalā,
     『① ~⑦ 此法是不善,
     'These things are bad;

     ime dhammā sāvajjā,
     ⑧ 此法是有罪,
     these things are blamable;

     ime dhammā viññugarahitā,
     ⑨ 此法已被智者所譴責,
     these things are censured by the wise;

     ime dhammā samattā samādinnā [samādiṇṇā (ka.)] ahitāya dukkhāya saṃvattantī’ti,
     ⑩ 如果接受此法,能導致無益與苦果!』
     undertaken and observed, these things lead to harm and ill,'

     atha tumhe, kālāmā, pajaheyyāthā’ti.
     abandon them.

     第二章 ✩ 十種惡法之問答 Greed, hate, and delusion

     ☆ 十種惡法 ➾ ㈠ 貪心、㈡ 貪行、㈢ 瞋心、㈣ 瞋行、㈤ 痴心、㈥ 痴行、㈦ 不善、㈧ 犯罪、㈨ 聖智譴責、㈩ 苦果。

     第一節 ❦ 貪心 Greed

     “Taṃ kiṃ maññatha, kālāmā, lobho purisassa ajjhattaṃ uppajjamāno uppajjati hitāya vā ahitāya vā”ti?
     "What do you think, Kalamas? Does greed appear in a man for his benefit or harm?" —

     “Ahitāya, bhante”.
     "For his harm, venerable sir." —

     第二節 ❦ 貪行 Driven by greed

     “Luddho panāyaṃ, kālāmā, purisapuggalo lobhena abhibhūto pariyādinnacitto
     "Kalamas, being given to greed, and being overwhelmed and vanquished mentally by greed,

     一、 害生 Injure

     pāṇampi hanati,
     this man takes life,

     二、 偷盜 Usurp

     adinnampi ādiyati,

     三、 邪婬 Adultery

     paradārampi gacchati,
     commits adultery,

     四、 妄語 Defraud

     musāpi bhaṇati,
     and tells lies;

     五、 煽惑 Instigate

     parampi tathattāya [tadatthāya (ka.)] samādapeti,
     he prompts another too, to do likewise.

     yaṃ sa [yaṃ tassa (ka.) anantarasutte pana “yaṃ’ sa” itveva sabbatthapi dissati] hoti dīgharattaṃ ahitāya dukkhāyā”ti.
     Will that be long for his harm and ill?" —

     “Evaṃ, bhante”.
     "Yes, venerable sir."

     第三節 ❦ 瞋心 Hate

     “Taṃ kiṃ maññatha, kālāmā, doso purisassa ajjhattaṃ uppajjamāno uppajjati hitāya vā ahitāya vā”ti?
     "What do you think, Kalamas? Does hate appear in a man for his benefit or harm?" —

     “Ahitāya, bhante”.
     "For his harm, venerable sir." —

     第四節 ❦ 瞋行 Driven by hate

     “Duṭṭho panāyaṃ, kālāmā, purisapuggalo dosena abhibhūto pariyādinnacitto
     "Kalamas, being given to hate, and being overwhelmed and vanquished mentally by hate,

     一、 害生 Injure

     pāṇampi hanati [hanti (sī. pī.)],
     this man takes life,

     二、 偷盜 Usurp

     adinnampi ādiyati,

     三、 邪婬 Adultery

     paradārampi gacchati,
     commits adultery,

     四、 妄語 Defraud

     musāpi bhaṇati,
     and tells lies;

     五、 煽惑 Instigate

     parampi tathattāya samādapeti,
     he prompts another too, to do likewise.

     yaṃ sa hoti dīgharattaṃ ahitāya dukkhāyā”ti.
     Will that be long for his harm and ill?" —

     “Evaṃ, bhante”.
     "Yes, venerable sir."

     第五節 ❦ 痴心 Delusion

     “Taṃ kiṃ maññatha, kālāmā, moho purisassa ajjhattaṃ uppajjamāno uppajjati hitāya vā ahitāya vā”ti?
     "What do you think, Kalamas? Does delusion appear in a man for his benefit or harm?" —

     “Ahitāya, bhante”.
     "For his harm, venerable sir." —

     第六節 ❦ 痴行 Driven by delusion

     “Mūḷho panāyaṃ, kālāmā, purisapuggalo mohena abhibhūto pariyādinnacitto
     "Kalamas, being given to delusion, and being overwhelmed and vanquished mentally by delusion,

     一、 害生 Injure

     pāṇampi hanati,
     this man takes life,

     二、 偷盜 Usurp

     adinnampi ādiyati,

     三、 邪婬 Adultery

     paradārampi gacchati,
     commits adultery,

     四、 妄語 Defraud

     musāpi bhaṇati,
     and tells lies;

     五、 煽惑 Instigate

     parampi tathattāya samādapeti,
     he prompts another too, to do likewise.

     yaṃ sa hoti dīgharattaṃ ahitāya dukkhāyā”ti.
     Will that be long for his harm and ill?" —

     “Evaṃ, bhante”.
     "Yes, venerable sir."

     第七節 ❦ 不善 Maleficent

     “Taṃ kiṃ maññatha, kālāmā, ime dhammā kusalā vā akusalā vā”ti?
     "What do you think, Kalamas? Are these things good or bad?" —

     “Akusalā, bhante”.
     "Bad, venerable sir" —

     第八節 ❦ 犯罪 Blamable

     “Sāvajjā vā anavajjā vā”ti?
     "Blamable or not blamable?" —

     “Sāvajjā, bhante”.
     "Blamable, venerable sir." —

     第九節 ❦ 聖智譴責 Censured by wise men

     “Viññugarahitā vā viññuppasatthā vā”ti?
     "Censured or praised by the wise?" —

     “Viññugarahitā, bhante”.
     "Censured, venerable sir." —

     第十節 ❦ 苦果 Calamity

     “Samattā samādinnā ahitāya dukkhāya saṃvattanti, no vā? Kathaṃ vā [kathaṃ vā vo (?)] ettha hotī”ti?
     "Undertaken and observed, do these things lead to harm and ill, or not? Or how does it strike you?" —

     “Samattā, bhante, samādinnā ahitāya dukkhāya saṃvattantīti. Evaṃ no ettha hotī”ti.
     "Undertaken and observed, these things lead to harm and ill. Thus it strikes us here."

     第三章 ✩ 十種惡法之總結 Summarize the 10-evil deeds

     第一節 ❦ 如實態度 ─➢ 勿信謠言 Don't believe rumors

     “Iti kho, kālāmā, yaṃ taṃ avocumhā [avocumha (sī. syā. kaṃ. pī.) a. ni. 4.193] –
     "Therefore, did we say, Kalamas, what was said thus,

     ‘Etha tumhe, kālāmā!
     'Come Kalamas.

     mā anussavena,
     ❶ (汝等)勿信風俗──透過反覆廣告;
     Do not go upon what has been acquired by repeated hearing;

     mā paramparāya,
     ❷ 勿輕信傳統;
     nor upon tradition;

     mā itikirāya,
     ❸ 勿輕信聽聞;
     nor upon rumor;

     mā piṭakasampadānena,
     ❹ 勿信因與經教相合;
     nor upon what is in a scripture;

     mā takkahetu,
     ❺ 勿信基於推理──透過猜測;
     nor upon surmise;

     mā nayahetu,
     ❻ 勿信基於學術研究──透過公理;
     nor upon an axiom;

     mā ākāraparivitakkena,
     ❼ 勿信情況考慮周詳──似是而非;
     nor upon specious reasoning;

     mā diṭṭhinijjhānakkhantiyā,
     ❽ 勿信見解卓越──偏見投其所好;
     nor upon a bias toward a notion that has been pondered over;

     mā bhabbarūpatāya,
     ❾ 勿信形象權威;
     nor upon another's seeming ability;

     mā samaṇo no garū’ti.
     ❿ 勿信因此沙門,是我等祖師。」
     nor upon the consideration, "The monk is our teacher."

     第二節 ❦ 實證態度 ─➢ 不斷發現 Rumors stop at the wise

     Yadā tumhe, kālāmā, attanāva jāneyyātha –
     Kalamas, when you yourselves know:

     ‘ime dhammā akusalā,
     「① ~⑦ 此法是不善,
     "These things are bad;

     ime dhammā sāvajjā,
     ⑧ 此法是有罪,
     these things are blamable;

     ime dhammā viññugarahitā,
     ⑨ 此法已被智者所譴責,
     these things are censured by the wise;

     ime dhammā samattā samādinnā ahitāya dukkhāya saṃvattantīti,
     ⑩ 如果接受此法,能導致無益與苦果!」
     undertaken and observed, these things lead to harm and ill,"

     atha tumhe, kālāmā, pajaheyyāthā’ti,
     abandon them.'

     iti yaṃ taṃ vuttaṃ, idametaṃ paṭicca vuttaṃ.

     第四章 ✩ 十種善法之判斷 The criterion for acceptance

     第一節 ❦ 如實態度 ─➢ 勿信謠言 Don't believe rumors

     ‘Etha tumhe, kālāmā!
     "Come, Kalamas.

     mā anussavena,
     ❶ (汝等)勿信風俗──透過反覆廣告;
     Do not go upon what has been acquired by repeated hearing;

     mā paramparāya,
     ❷ 勿輕信傳統;
     nor upon tradition;

     mā itikirāya,
     ❸ 勿輕信聽聞;
     nor upon rumor;

     mā piṭakasampadānena,
     ❹ 勿信因與經教相合;
     nor upon what is in a scripture;

     mā takkahetu,
     ❺ 勿信基於推理──透過猜測;
     nor upon surmise;

     mā nayahetu,
     ❻ 勿信基於學術研究──透過公理;
     nor upon an axiom;

     mā ākāraparivitakkena,
     ❼ 勿信情況考慮周詳──似是而非;
     nor upon specious reasoning;

     mā diṭṭhinijjhānakkhantiyā,
     ❽ 勿信見解卓越──偏見投其所好;
     nor upon a bias toward a notion that has been pondered over;

     mā bhabbarūpatāya,
     ❾ 勿信形象權威;
     nor upon another's seeming ability;

     mā samaṇo no garū’ti.
     ❿ 勿信因此沙門,是我等祖師。』
     nor upon the consideration, 'The monk is our teacher.'

     第二節 ❦ 實證態度 ─➢ 不斷發現 Rumors stop at the wise

     Yadā tumhe, kālāmā, attanāva jāneyyātha –
     Kalamas, when you yourselves know:

     ‘ime dhammā kusalā,
     『⓵ ~⓻ 此法是善,
     'These things are good;

     ime dhammā anavajjā,
     ⓼ 此法是無罪,
     these things are not blamable;

     ime dhammā viññuppasatthā,
     ⓽ 此法已被智者所稱讚,
     these things are praised by the wise;

     ime dhammā samattā samādinnā hitāya sukhāya saṃvattantī’ti,
     ⓾ 如果接受此法,能帶來利益與樂果!』
     undertaken and observed, these things lead to benefit and happiness,'

     atha tumhe, kālāmā, upasampajja vihareyyāthā”ti.
     enter on and abide in them.

     第五章 ✩ 十種善法之問答 Absence of greed, hate, and delusion

     ☆ 十種善法 ➾ ㈠ 戒心、㈡ 戒行、㈢ 定心、㈣ 定行、㈤ 慧心、㈥ 慧行、㈦ 祥善、㈧ 無過、㈨ 聖智稱讚、㈩ 樂果。

     第一節 ❦ 戒心 Non-greed

     “Taṃ kiṃ maññatha, kālāmā, alobho purisassa ajjhattaṃ uppajjamāno uppajjati hitāya vā ahitāya vā”ti?
     "What do you think, Kalamas? Does absence of greed appear in a man for his benefit or harm?" —

     “Hitāya, bhante”.
     "For his benefit, venerable sir." —

     第二節 ❦ 戒行 Virtue of non-greed

     “Aluddho panāyaṃ, kālāmā, purisapuggalo lobhena anabhibhūto apariyādinnacitto
     "Kalamas, being not given to greed, and being not overwhelmed and not vanquished mentally by greed,

     一、 慈悲 Non-injure

     neva pāṇaṃ hanati,
     this man does not take life,

     二、 喜足 Non-usurp

     na adinnaṃ ādiyati,
     does not steal,

     三、 淨行 Non-adultery

     na paradāraṃ gacchati,
     does not commit adultery,

     四、 正語 Non-defraud

     na musā bhaṇati,
     and does not tell lies;

     五、 解惑 Non-instigate

     na parampi tathattāya samādapeti,
     he prompts another too, to do likewise.

     yaṃ sa hoti dīgharattaṃ hitāya sukhāyā”ti.
     Will that be long for his benefit and happiness?" —

     “Evaṃ, bhante”.
     "Yes, venerable sir."

     第三節 ❦ 定心 Non-hate

     “Taṃ kiṃ maññatha, kālāmā, adoso purisassa ajjhattaṃ uppajjamāno uppajjati…pe…
     "What do you think, Kalamas? Does absence of hate appear in a man for his benefit or harm?" —

     "For his benefit, venerable sir." —

     第四節 ❦ 定行 Virtue of non-hate

     "Kalamas, being not given to hate, and being not overwhelmed and not vanquished mentally by hate,

     一、 慈悲 Non-injure

     this man does not take life,

     二、 喜足 Non-usurp

     does not steal,

     三、 淨行 Non-adultery

     does not commit adultery,

     四、 正語 Non-defraud

     and does not tell lies;

     五、 解惑 Non-instigate

     he prompts another too, to do likewise.

     Will that be long for his benefit and happiness?" —

     "Yes, venerable sir."

     第五節 ❦ 慧心 Non-delusion

     amoho purisassa ajjhattaṃ uppajjamāno uppajjati…pe…
     "What do you think, Kalamas? Does absence of delusion appear in a man for his benefit or harm?" —

     "For his benefit, venerable sir." —

     第六節 ❦ 慧行 Virtue of non-delusion

     "Kalamas, being not given to delusion, and being not overwhelmed and not vanquished mentally by delusion,

     一、 慈悲 Non-injure

     this man does not take life,

     二、 喜足 Non-usurp

     does not steal,

     三、 淨行 Non-adultery

     does not commit adultery,

     四、 正語 Non-defraud

     and does not tell lies;

     五、 解惑 Non-instigate

     he prompts another too, to do likewise.

     hitāya sukhāyā”ti.
     Will that be long for his benefit and happiness?" —

     “Evaṃ bhante”.
     "Yes, venerable sir."

     第七節 ❦ 祥善 Beneficent

     “Taṃ kiṃ maññatha, kālāmā, ime dhammā kusalā vā akusalā vā”ti?
     "What do you think, Kalamas? Are these things good or bad?" —

     “Kusalā, bhante”.
     "Good, venerable sir." —

     第八節 ❦ 無過 Unimpeachable

     “Sāvajjā vā anavajjā vā”ti?
     "Blamable or not blamable?" —

     “Anavajjā, bhante”.
     "Not blamable, venerable sir." —

     第九節 ❦ 聖智稱讚 Praise from wise men

     “Viññugarahitā vā viññuppasatthā vā”ti?
     "Censured or praised by the wise?" —

     “Viññuppasatthā, bhante”.
     "Praised, venerable sir." —

     第十節 ❦ 樂果 Blessedness

     “Samattā samādinnā hitāya sukhāya saṃvattanti no vā? Kathaṃ vā ettha hotī”ti?
     "Undertaken and observed, do these things lead to benefit and happiness, or not? Or how does it strike you?" —

     “Samattā, bhante, samādinnā hitāya sukhāya saṃvattanti. Evaṃ no ettha hotī”ti.
     "Undertaken and observed, these things lead to benefit and happiness. Thus it strikes us here."

     第六章 ✩ 十種善法之總結 Summarize 10 kinds of good deeds

     第一節 ❦ 如實態度 ─➢ 勿信謠言 Don't believe rumors

     “Iti kho, kālāmā, yaṃ taṃ avocumhā –
     "Therefore, did we say, Kalamas, what was said thus,

     ‘Etha tumhe, kālāmā!
     'Come Kalamas.

     mā anussavena,
     ❶ (汝等)勿信風俗──透過反覆廣告;
     Do not go upon what has been acquired by repeated hearing;

     mā paramparāya,
     ❷ 勿輕信傳統;
     nor upon tradition;

     mā itikirāya,
     ❸ 勿輕信聽聞;
     nor upon rumor;

     mā piṭakasampadānena,
     ❹ 勿信因與經教相合;
     nor upon what is in a scripture;

     mā takkahetu,
     ❺ 勿信基於推理──透過猜測;
     nor upon surmise;

     mā nayahetu,
     ❻ 勿信基於學術研究──透過公理;
     nor upon an axiom;

     mā ākāraparivitakkena,
     ❼ 勿信情況考慮周詳──似是而非;
     nor upon specious reasoning;

     mā diṭṭhinijjhānakkhantiyā,
     ❽ 勿信見解卓越──偏見投其所好;
     nor upon a bias toward a notion that has been pondered over;

     mā bhabbarūpatāya,
     ❾ 勿信形象權威;
     nor upon another's seeming ability;

     mā samaṇo no garūti.
     ❿ 勿信因此沙門,是我等祖師。」
     nor upon the consideration, "The monk is our teacher."

     第二節 ❦ 實證態度 ─➢ 不斷發現 Rumors stop at the wise

     Yadā tumhe, kālāmā, attanāva jāneyyātha –
     Kalamas, when you yourselves know:

     ime dhammā kusalā,
     「⓵ ~⓻ 此法是善,
     "These things are good;

     ime dhammā anavajjā,
     ⓼ 此法是無罪,
     these things are not blamable;

     ime dhammā viññuppasatthā,
     ⓽ 此法已被智者所稱讚,
     these things are praised by the wise;

     ime dhammā samattā samādinnā hitāya sukhāya saṃvattantīti,
     ⓾ 如果接受此法,能帶來利益與樂果!」
     undertaken and observed, these things lead to benefit and happiness,"

     atha tumhe, kālāmā, upasampajja vihareyyāthā’ti.
     enter on and abide in them.'

     iti yaṃ taṃ vuttaṃ idametaṃ paṭicca vuttaṃ.

     第七章 ✩ 遍滿無量心 The Four Exalted Dwellings

     ☆ 四無量心 ➾ 慈無量心、悲無量心、喜無量心、捨無量心。
     ☆ 如實態度 ➾ 不斷發現 ➾ 遍滿無量心 ➾ 現法四安慰。

     Sa kho so [yo kho (ka.)], kālāmā, ariyasāvako evaṃ vigatābhijjho vigatabyāpādo asammūḷho sampajāno patissato [sato (ka.)]
     "The disciple of the Noble Ones, Kalamas, who in this way is devoid of coveting, devoid of ill will, undeluded, clearly comprehending and mindful,

     第一節 ❦ 慈無量心 Immeasurable amity

     mettāsahagatena cetasā ekaṃ disaṃ pharitvā viharati,
     dwells, having pervaded, with the thought of amity, one quarter;

     tathā dutiyaṃ, tathā tatiyaṃ, tathā catutthaṃ, iti uddhamadho tiriyaṃ sabbadhi sabbattatāya
     likewise the second; likewise the third; likewise the fourth; so above, below, and across;

     sabbāvantaṃ lokaṃ mettāsahagatena cetasā vipulena mahaggatena appamāṇena averena abyāpajjhena pharitvā viharati.
     he dwells, having pervaded because of the existence in it of all living beings, everywhere, the entire world, with the great, exalted, boundless thought of amity that is free of hate or malice.

     第二節 ❦ 悲無量心 Immeasurable compassion

     Karuṇāsahagatena cetasā…pe…
     "He lives, having pervaded, with the thought of compassion, one quarter;

     likewise the second; likewise the third; likewise the fourth; so above, below, and across;

     he dwells, having pervaded because of the existence in it of all living beings, everywhere, the entire world, with the great, exalted, boundless thought of compassion that is free of hate or malice.

     第三節 ❦ 喜無量心 Immeasurable gladness

     muditāsahagatena cetasā…pe…
     "He lives, having pervaded, with the thought of gladness, one quarter;

     likewise the second; likewise the third; likewise the fourth; so above, below, and across;

     he dwells, having pervaded because of the existence in it of all living beings, everywhere, the entire world, with the great, exalted, boundless thought of gladness that is free of hate or malice.

     第四節 ❦ 捨無量心 Infinite equanimity

     upekkhāsahagatena cetasā ekaṃ disaṃ pharitvā viharati,
     "He lives, having pervaded, with the thought of equanimity, one quarter;

     tathā dutiyaṃ, tathā tatiyaṃ, tathā catutthaṃ, iti uddhamadho tiriyaṃ sabbadhi sabbattatāya
     likewise the second; likewise the third; likewise the fourth; so above, below, and across;

     sabbāvantaṃ lokaṃ upekkhāsahagatena cetasā vipulena mahaggatena appamāṇena averena abyāpajjhena pharitvā viharati.
     he dwells, having pervaded because of the existence in it of all living beings, everywhere, the entire world, with the great, exalted, boundless thought of equanimity that is free of hate or malice.

     第八章 ✩ 現法四安慰 The Four Solaces

     ☆ 現法四安慰 ➾ ⓵ 當生善趣、⓶ 現法樂住、⓷ 無苦之觸、⓸ 如實正見。

     Sa [sace (ka.)] kho so, kālāmā, ariyasāvako evaṃ averacitto evaṃ abyāpajjhacitto evaṃ asaṃkiliṭṭhacitto evaṃ visuddhacitto.
     "The disciple of the Noble Ones, Kalamas, who has such a hate-free mind, such a malice-free mind, such an undefiled mind, and such a purified mind,

     Tassa diṭṭheva dhamme cattāro assāsā adhigatā honti.
     is one by whom four solaces are found here and now.

     第一節 ❦ 當生善趣──五不還果 First solace

     ‘Sace kho pana atthi paro loko, atthi sukatadukkaṭānaṃ [sukaṭadukkaṭānaṃ (sī. syā. kaṃ. pī.)] kammānaṃ phalaṃ vipāko,
     "'Suppose there is a hereafter and there is a fruit, result, of deeds done well or ill.

     athāhaṃ [ṭhānamahaṃ (sī. pī.), ṭhānametaṃ yenāhaṃ (syā. kaṃ.)] kāyassa bhedā paraṃ maraṇā sugatiṃ saggaṃ lokaṃ upapajjissāmī’ti,
     Then it is possible that at the dissolution of the body after death, I shall arise in the heavenly world, which is possessed of the state of bliss.'

     ayamassa paṭhamo assāso adhigato hoti.
     This is the first solace found by him.

     第二節 ❦ 現法樂住──阿羅漢果 Second solace

     ‘Sace kho pana natthi paro loko, natthi sukatadukkaṭānaṃ kammānaṃ phalaṃ vipāko,
     "'Suppose there is no hereafter and there is no fruit, no result, of deeds done well or ill.

     athāhaṃ [idhāhaṃ (sī. syā. kaṃ. pī.)] diṭṭheva dhamme averaṃ abyāpajjhaṃ anīghaṃ sukhiṃ [sukhaṃ (sī.), sukhī (syā. kaṃ.)] attānaṃ pariharāmī’ti,
     Yet in this world, here and now, free from hatred, free from malice, safe and sound, and happy, I keep myself.'

     ayamassa dutiyo assāso adhigato hoti.
     This is the second solace found by him.

     第三節 ❦ 無苦之觸──初果以上 Third solace

     ‘Sace kho pana karoto karīyati pāpaṃ,
     "'Suppose evil (results) befall an evil-doer.

     na kho panāhaṃ kassaci pāpaṃ cetemi.
     I, however, think of doing evil to no one.

     Akarontaṃ kho pana maṃ pāpakammaṃ kuto dukkhaṃ phusissatī’ti,
     Then, how can ill (results) affect me who do no evil deed?'

     ayamassa tatiyo assāso adhigato hoti.
     This is the third solace found by him.

     第四節 ❦ 如實正見──得法眼淨 Fourth solace

     ‘Sace kho pana karoto na karīyati pāpaṃ,
     "'Suppose evil (results) do not befall an evil-doer.

     athāhaṃ ubhayeneva visuddhaṃ attānaṃ samanupassāmī’ti,
     Then I see myself purified in any case.'

     ayamassa catuttho assāso adhigato hoti.
     This is the fourth solace found by him.

     Sa kho so, kālāmā, ariyasāvako evaṃ averacitto evaṃ abyāpajjhacitto evaṃ asaṃkiliṭṭhacitto evaṃ visuddhacitto.
     "The disciple of the Noble Ones, Kalamas, who has such a hate-free mind, such a malice-free mind, such an undefiled mind, and such a purified mind,

     Tassa diṭṭheva dhamme ime cattāro assāsā adhigatā hontī”ti.
     is one by whom, here and now, these four solaces are found."

     第三品 ✫ 卡拉瑪人皈依三寶 The Kalamas take refuge in the Three Jewels

     第一章 ✩ 信受四安慰 Response of the Kalamas

     “Evametaṃ, bhagavā, evametaṃ, sugata!
     "So it is, Blessed One. So it is, Sublime one.

     Sa kho so, bhante, ariyasāvako evaṃ averacitto evaṃ abyāpajjhacitto evaṃ asaṃkiliṭṭhacitto evaṃ visuddhacitto.
     The disciple of the Noble Ones, venerable sir, who has such a hate-free mind, such a malice-free mind, such an undefiled mind, and such a purified mind,

     Tassa diṭṭheva dhamme cattāro assāsā adhigatā honti.
     is one by whom, here and now, four solaces are found.

     第一節 ❦ 當生善趣──五不還果 First solace

     ‘Sace kho pana atthi paro loko, atthi sukatadukkaṭānaṃ kammānaṃ phalaṃ vipāko,
     "'Suppose there is a hereafter and there is a fruit, result, of deeds done well or ill.

     athāhaṃ kāyassa bhedā paraṃ maraṇā sugatiṃ saggaṃ lokaṃ upapajjissāmī’ti,
     Then it is possible that at the dissolution of the body after death, I shall arise in the heavenly world, which is possessed of the state of bliss.'

     ayamassa paṭhamo assāso adhigato hoti.
     This is the first solace found by him.

     第二節 ❦ 現法樂住──阿羅漢果 Second solace

     “‘Sace kho pana natthi paro loko, natthi sukatadukkaṭānaṃ kammānaṃ phalaṃ vipāko,
     "'Suppose there is no hereafter and there is no fruit, no result, of deeds done well or ill.

     athāhaṃ diṭṭheva dhamme averaṃ abyāpajjhaṃ anīghaṃ sukhiṃ attānaṃ pariharāmī’ti,
     Yet in this world, here and now, free from hatred, free from malice, safe and sound, and happy, I keep myself.'

     ayamassa dutiyo assāso adhigato hoti.
     This is the second solace found by him.

     第三節 ❦ 無苦之觸──初果以上 Third solace

     “Sace kho pana karoto karīyati pāpaṃ,
     "'Suppose evil (results) befall an evil-doer.

     na kho panāhaṃ – kassaci pāpaṃ cetemi,
     I, however, think of doing evil to no one.

     akarontaṃ kho pana maṃ pāpakammaṃ kuto dukkhaṃ phusissatī’ti,
     Then, how can ill (results) affect me who do no evil deed?'

     ayamassa tatiyo assāso adhigato hoti.
     This is the third solace found by him.

     第四節 ❦ 如實正見──得法眼淨 Fourth solace

     “‘Sace kho pana karoto na karīyati pāpaṃ,
     "'Suppose evil (results) do not befall an evil-doer.

     athāhaṃ ubhayeneva visuddhaṃ attānaṃ samanupassāmī’ti,
     Then I see myself purified in any case.'

     ayamassa catuttho assāso adhigato hoti.
     This is the fourth solace found by him.

     “Sa kho so, bhante, ariyasāvako evaṃ averacitto evaṃ abyāpajjhacitto evaṃ asaṃkiliṭṭhacitto evaṃ visuddhacitto.
     "The disciple of the Noble Ones, venerable sir, who has such a hate-free mind, such a malice-free mind, such an undefiled mind, and such a purified mind,

     Tassa diṭṭheva dhamme ime cattāro assāsā adhigatā honti.
     is one by whom, here and now, these four solaces are found.

     第二章 ✩ 結語 Epilog

     ‘Abhikkantaṃ, bhante, abhikkantaṃ, bhante,
     "Marvelous, venerable sir! Marvelous, venerable sir!

     seyyathāpi, bhante, nikkujjitaṃ vā ukkujjeyya,
     ➊ 祥善者!譬如扶起倒者;
     As if, venerable sir, a person were to turn face upward what is upside down,

     paṭicchannaṃ vā vivareyya,
     ➋ 如揭露覆者;
     or to uncover the concealed,

     mūḷhassa vā maggaṃ ācikkheyya,
     ➌ 如教迷者道;
     or to point the way to one who is lost

     andhakāre vā telapajjotaṃ dhāreyya – cakkhumanto rūpāni dakkhantī’ti –
     ➍ 如暗中提舉燈火,令有眼者見色;
     or to carry a lamp in the darkness, thinking, 'Those who have eyes will see visible objects,'

     evamevaṃ bhagavatā anekapariyāyena dhammo pakāsito.
     so has the Dhamma been set forth in many ways by the Blessed One.

     Ete mayaṃ, bhante, bhagavantaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāma dhammañca bhikkhusaṅghañca.
     We, venerable sir, go to the Blessed One for refuge, to the Dhamma for refuge, and to the Community of Bhikkhus for refuge.

     Upāsake no, bhante, bhagavā dhāretu ajjatagge pāṇupete saraṇaṃ gate”ti.
     Venerable sir, may the Blessed One regard us as lay followers who have gone for refuge for life, from today."

     (卡拉瑪經 ~大品‧)第五(經終)
     The Instruction to the Kalamas: the Fifth.

     ~《增支部經典‧三集‧五十經篇之二‧大品‧Kesamuttisutta 卡拉瑪經》(AN 3.66)

《增支部經典‧三集》Kesamuttisutta 卡拉瑪經 (AN 3.66) 大字課誦本

── 佛曆 2567.6.25(二)菩提僧團 ──