9. 袁騰飛聊海參崴:沙俄的罪行,跟俄羅斯有關係嗎? Yuan Tengfei talked about Vladivostok - Does the crime of Tsarist Russia
腦控犯罪非常猖獗,籲請立法刻不容緩 Mind-control crime is rampant, calls for legislation urgent
39. 郭文貴談CCP的雙修 Miles Kwok talks about CCP's Tantra
92. 華裔教授因談到「AA平權法案」被學校開除 Ethnic Chinese professor was expelled from school for talking about Affirma
被放鴿子的僧伽之二~無常的世間、永恆的真理 The Impermanent World & Eternal Truth
被放鴿子的僧伽之三~佛陀的三身:「無我」法義總整理 The summary of Threefold Body