標籤:內觀法語篇 的相關文章

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2024-06-27 心的修行筆記~全集|無浮水印
2024-06-27 心的修行筆記~內觀法語篇|無浮水印
2021-09-02 173 正念現前 Mindfulness Remains Focused Internally
2021-09-01 172 正見與謬見 Right-View & Wrong-View
2021-09-01 171 種種戲論,其心則亂 Indulge Idle Discussions, Mind Chaotic Thoughts
2021-08-31 170 心在定故,能知世間 If Minds Collectedness, Will Understand World
2021-08-31 169 閒處靜室,念所受法 In Secluded Dwellings, Bear in Mind the Dhamma
2021-08-30 168 若有智慧,則無貪著 If You Have Wisdom Then Do Not Hunger
2021-08-30 167 動、不動法,皆是敗壞 Whether Moving or Non-Moving Are Subject to Decay
2021-08-29 166 脫離苦境 Out Of the Hell
2021-08-29 165 五取蘊身 Five Clinging-Aggregates Of Own Body
2021-08-29 164 罪惡之物,假名為身 Evil Thing Falsely Going By the Name of Self
2021-08-29 163 不得包藏瑕疵、顯異惑眾 Neither Conceal Faults Nor Wonders Astray
2021-08-29 162 若汝欲得,寂滅樂者 If You Want to Attain the Happiness of Nibbana
2021-08-29 161 因依此戒,得生諸禪定 Relying on Patimokkha May Attain Collectedness
2021-08-29 160 我今得滅,如除惡病 Now I Attain Nibbana, Like Rid Terrible Sickness
2021-08-28 159 佛說:苦諦實苦 Truth of Dukkha Taught By Lord Describes Real Dukkha
2021-08-27 158 流轉門與還滅門 The Way of Transmigration & Nibbana
2021-08-27 157 常當自勉,精進修之 Always Exert in Practising it Diligently
2021-08-27 156 汝等但當,勤而行之 Strive Diligently to Practise this Teaching
2021-08-26 155 為智慧水故,善修禪定 Guard Water Of Wisdom From Leaking Away
2021-08-26 154 滅苦之道,實是真道 Path Leading To the Cessation of Dukkha
2021-08-25 153 常自省察,不令有失 Ever Look Within Don't Fall Into Any Fault
2021-08-25 152 一切病者,之良藥也 It Is a Good Medicine For All Who Are Ill
2021-08-25 151 度老病死海,堅牢船也 Ferry Across Ocean of Birth, Old, Sickness & Death
2021-08-25 150 關於〝開悟〞 About Enlightenment
2021-08-25 149 空閒獨處,思滅苦本 Reflecting Upon Dukkha, Its Arising & Cessation
2021-08-25 148 當自精進 Self Exertion
2021-08-25 147 我執的因果 Arrogant & Prideful Causality
2021-08-24 146 攝根護心 Exhortation on the Control of Mind and Body