標籤:魔鬼在統治著我們的世界 的相關文章

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2020-12-24 2020美國大選調查──誰在盜竊美國? 2020 US General Election Survey-Who is stealing the US?
2020-12-24 卡里‧馬德伊博士緊急警告不要將DARPA HydroGel引入COVID疫苗,通過人工智能全面控制人類 Dr. Carrie Madej Urgently Warns Against Coming D
2020-12-24 馬克思並非共產主義的創始人 Marx was not the founder of communism
2020-11-22 404. 川普律師團重磅揭「自治領計票服務器」總統大選舞弊真相 Trump's lawyers unveil the truth about〝Dominion〞presidential electio
2020-11-14 302. 深層政府對土星的痴迷 Deep state's obsession with Saturn
2020-11-12 287. 專訪中共人權紀錄片獲獎者李雲翔 Interview with Li Yunxiang, winner of the CCP's human rights documentary
2020-11-12 286. 俄國紅色革命隱藏的歷史 The hidden history of the Soviet Red Revolution
2020-11-12 285. 社會主義:一個不容忽視的真相 Socialism - a truth that cannot be ignored
2020-11-12 284. 共產主義背後的秘密社團 The secret society behind communism
2020-11-12 283. 共產主義的殺戮計數 The Kill Count of Communism
2020-11-12 281. 賓州25000養老中心選民同一時間索要郵寄選票問題嚴重 Penn State's 25,000 Elderly Care Center voters have a serious probl
2020-11-12 279. 川普總統面對的是一個龐大且可怕的隱身敵人 President Trump is facing a huge and terrifying hidden enemy
2020-11-12 278. 中共助拜登「勝選」16種舞弊政變 The CCP helps Biden "victory" in 16 fraudulent coups
2020-11-12 277. 台灣新聞說梅蘭妮亞和川普離婚幫誰在造謠? Taiwan News said Melania and Trump divorced who were spreading rumors?
2020-11-12 275. 至少有250萬幽靈選民參加美國大選 At least 2.5 million ghost voters appear in the U.S. election
2020-10-16 247. 《魔鬼在統治著我們的世界》第十集:滲透西方(下)之二 "How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World" Ep.10 - Infiltrat
2020-10-16 246. 《魔鬼在統治著我們的世界》第九集:滲透西方(下)之一 "How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World" Ep.9 - Infiltrati
2020-10-16 245. 《魔鬼在統治著我們的世界》第八集:滲透西方(上)之二 "How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World" Ep.8 - Infiltrati
2020-10-16 244. 《魔鬼在統治著我們的世界》第七集:滲透西方(上)之一 "How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World" Ep.7 - Infiltrati
2020-10-16 243. 《魔鬼在統治著我們的世界》第六集:輸出革命之二 "How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World" Ep.6 - Exporting Rev
2020-10-16 242. 《魔鬼在統治著我們的世界》第五集:輸出革命之一 "How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World" Ep.5 - Exporting Rev
2020-10-16 241. 《魔鬼在統治著我們的世界》第四集:東方殺戮之二 "How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World" Ep.4 - Mass Killing
2020-10-16 240. 《魔鬼在統治著我們的世界》第三集:東方殺戮之一 "How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World" Ep.3 - Mass Killing
2020-10-16 239. 《魔鬼在統治著我們的世界》第二集:歐洲發端 "How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World" Ep.2 - Communism's Eur
2020-10-16 238. 《魔鬼在統治著我們的世界》第一集:緒論 "How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World" Ep.1 - Introduction
2020-10-16 236. 社會主義總統奧巴馬的共產主義背景 Socialist President Obama’s Communism Background
2020-10-15 232. 喬丹‧彼得森:後現代主義與文化馬克思主義 Jordan B Peterson - Postmodernism and Cultural Marxism
2020-09-27 93. 為什麼色情狂多數是左派分子? Why are satyrs mostly leftists?
2020-09-24 69. 恩格斯說:馬克思是魔鬼附體 Engels said: Marx is possessed by the devil