【第79期】恩格斯為何說馬克思是魔鬼附體?告訴你一個真實的馬克思!薇羽看世間 2020.07.11
69. 恩格斯說:馬克思是魔鬼附體 Engels said: Marx is possessed by the devil
【第79期】恩格斯為何說馬克思是魔鬼附體?告訴你一個真實的馬克思!薇羽看世間 2020.07.11
48. 中共與魔鬼的契約,血祭地球人 The contract between the CCP and the devil - People of the world were sacrificed
98. 「帶風向」的石正麗前年曾說:類似SARS的病毒,將會傳播全世界 Shi Zhengli, who "misleads public opinion", said last year: SARS
202. 威廉姆‧湯普金斯:「川普不是蜥蜴人!」 William Tompkins said that Trump was not a Reptilian
被放鴿子的僧伽之二~無常的世間、永恆的真理 The Impermanent World & Eternal Truth
被放鴿子的僧伽之三~佛陀的三身:「無我」法義總整理 The summary of Threefold Body