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2020-10-10 185. 未來的警告:對於時間旅行者可怕的預言感到震驚 Future warning: shocked by the terrible predictions of time travellers
2020-10-08 181. 世界頂級科學家霍金、牛頓、愛因斯坦、特斯拉聯名預言 The world's top scientists Hawking, Newton, Einstein, and Tesla joint
2020-10-08 180. 雙魚玉珮:詭異頂級都市傳說之首 The emerald that replicates the fish - the first in the strange top city legend
2020-10-03 164. 毛澤東:殺死一半的中共人民可以製造肥料 Mao Zedong: Killing half of the CCP's people can make fertilizer
2020-10-03 163. 病毒的遊戲:新冠狀病毒早已被預言 Viral game: The new coronavirus has long been predicted
2020-10-03 162. 靈媒2008年預言2020肺炎 Psychic predicts 2020 pneumonia in 2008
2020-10-03 161. 美國靈媒寫小說準確預言武漢肺炎 American psychic writing novel accurately predicts Wuhan pneumonia
2020-10-03 160. 《瘟疫公司》題材敏感遭中共全面下架 Plague Inc. is completely removed by the CCP for its sensitive theme
2020-10-03 159. 肺炎疫情讓《瘟疫公司》遊戲的玩家暴增 The pneumonia epidemic has increased the number of players in the Plague Inc
2020-10-03 158. 中共全網下架「瘟疫公司」 The CCP removes the Plague Inc. from the entire network
2020-10-03 157. 瘟疫公司:模擬武漢肺炎的攻擊 Plague Inc.: Simulating the attack of Wuhan pneumonia
2020-10-03 156. 瘟疫公司:如果武漢肺炎很聰明 Plague Inc.: If Wuhan Pneumonia is very smart
2020-10-03 155. 瘟疫公司發家史 The history of Plague Inc.
2020-10-03 154. 美國在預防喪屍 The United States is preventing zombies
2020-10-03 153. 《瘟疫公司》預言:2020年冠狀病毒爆發 Plague Inc. Predict: Coronavirus Outbreak in 2020
2020-10-03 152. 武漢肺炎5年前已被準確預言 Wuhan pneumonia was accurately predicted 5 years ago
2020-10-03 151. 英國演算「喪屍病毒」爆發 British calculus "zombie virus" outbreak
2020-10-03 150. 【瘟疫公司】病毒 Plague Inc. - Virus