標籤:太極門冤案 的相關文章

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  時間  文章標題
2020-10-13 219. 政府做錯了要勇於認錯 The government must be brave to admit it when it is wrong
2020-10-13 218. 政治問題?還是法律問題? Political issues? or is it a legal issue?
2020-10-13 217. 竹北分局長試圖誣陷陳教授 Police Sub-Chief of Jhubei precinct of Hsin-chu county police bureau tried to fra
2020-10-13 216. 竹北分局林姓員警遇襲「反被調職懲處」 Jhubei precinct of Hsin-chu county police bureau police surnamed Lin was att
2020-10-02 134. 國立台灣大學法學教授陳志龍揭露世界關注的太極門案 National Taiwan University law professor Chen Zhilong exposes the Taij
2020-09-21 26. 新竹市議會記者會:為了受到欺負的志工媽媽發聲 Hsinchu City Council Press Conference: A voice for volunteer mothers who
2020-09-21 25. 六分鐘隨機抓人事件 Random arrests within six minutes
2020-09-21 24. 台中,沉默是最大的殺手 Silence is the biggest killer
2020-09-21 23. 媽媽~我收到一張傳單 Mom~ I received a flyer
2020-09-21 22. 白色恐怖?還原抓人現場 White terror? Restore the arrest scene
2020-09-21 21. 只是站在路邊表達訴求,不到一分鐘被10個警察包圍抓走 Just standing on the side of the road to express his demands, was sur
2020-09-21 20 人權發展記者會 Human Rights Development Press Conference
2020-09-21 19. 白色恐怖?地檢署連夜偵訊!台灣還在戒嚴嗎? White terror? Is Taiwan still under martial law?
2020-09-20 18. 稅法真霸道 Taiwan’s tax law is really domineering
2020-09-20 17. 太極門案被消音?行政執行署聯手竹北分局製造白色恐怖?媽媽志工在沒有被告知罪名的情況下,被帶到警局超過6小時,並且連夜移送新竹地檢署…… The Taijimen case was silenc
2020-09-18 13. 太極門案纏訟24年 The Taijimen case has been entangled for 24 years
2020-09-18 12. 太極門要補稅? Should Taijimen pay an overdue tax?
2020-09-18 11. 台灣官員侵占太極門的財產 Taiwan officials invaded Taijimen property
2020-09-18 10. 國際學者看太極門案 International Scholars Look at the Taijimen Case