標籤:內觀法語篇 的相關文章

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  時間  文章標題
2021-07-29 055 伐煩惱樹,之利斧也 Sharp Axe For Cutting Down the Afflictions-Tree
2021-07-29 054 自以為是 Self-Conceited
2021-07-29 053 倫理道德 Justice and Morality
2021-07-29 052 禮義廉恥 Propriety, Justice, Honesty and Shame
2021-07-29 051 除去貪憂 Putting Aside Greed & Distress
2021-07-29 050 南無佛! Namo Buddha!
2021-07-29 049 活在當下的捨念樂住 Living Pleasantly in the Here and Now
2021-07-29 048 我語取 Clinging to Doctrines of the Self
2021-07-29 047 憶念呼吸 Mindful Breathe In and Out
2021-07-29 046 苦海 The Ocean Of Limitless Misery
2021-07-29 045 一夜賢者 Single Auspicious Attachment Of Appeased Sage
2021-07-29 044 三種渴愛 Three Modes of Hunger & Thirst
2021-07-29 043 四念住對治四暴流 4-Practices of Mindfulness VS. 4-Floods
2021-07-28 042 身語意三行 Bodily, Verbal and Mental Conducts
2021-07-28 041 掉與悔 Excitement and Worry
2021-07-28 040 時空與心識 Space-Time & Consciousness
2021-07-28 039 緣名與色,而有心識 Consciousness Comes From Name-And-Form
2021-07-28 038 名色與識 Name-And-Form & Consciousness
2021-07-28 037 放下貪求與惡思 Given Up Quests & Candid In Thoughts
2021-07-27 036 禮佛偈 Salutation to the Buddha
2021-07-27 035 三學與十二根門 3-Trainings & 12-Sense Doors
2021-07-27 034 松果體 Conarium (Cerebral Apophysis)
2021-07-27 033 八勝處 Eight positions of mastery
2021-07-26 032 五感與六根 5-Feelings & 6-Senses
2021-07-26 031 執著於天眼 Clinging to Godly Eye
2021-07-26 030 捨樂離苦 Abandoning of Pleasure & Pain
2021-07-26 029 滅苦之道 The Practice Path Leading To the Cessation of Dukkha
2021-07-25 028 繫念入息、出息 Always Mindful Breathe In & Breathe Out
2021-07-25 027 正知、正念 Alert & Mindful
2021-07-25 026 五取蘊苦 The Five Clinging-Aggregates Are Stressful