標籤:黃金時代篇 的相關文章

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  時間  文章標題
2021-11-18 518 唯心論者的修羅道 Spiritualist Way Of Rebirth As Asura
2021-11-18 517 唯物論者的畜生道 Materialist Way Of Rebirth As Animals
2021-11-18 516 剛愎自用的餓鬼道 Wrong-Headed Way Of Rebirth As Hungry Ghosts
2021-11-17 515 華夏道統 Confucian Orthodoxy
2021-11-17 514 與諸禽獸,無相異也 Not Different From the Birds & Beasts
2021-11-17 513 衣冠禽獸 Well-Dressed Man Of Beastly Temper
2021-11-17 512 老象溺泥,不能自出 Old Elephant Bogged Swamp Cannot Extricate Himself
2021-11-17 511 騰躍踔躑,難可禁制 Monkey Climbing Tree Difficult To Check
2021-11-17 510 何況少欲,能生諸功德 Lessen Desires In Order To Obtain All Merits
2021-11-16 509 華夏 Cathay, Ancient Name For China
2021-11-16 508 終南捷徑 Shortcut To High Office
2021-11-16 507 易經 The Book of Changes
2021-11-16 506 人權 Right Of Man
2021-11-15 505 不自然(違背人道、天道與八正道) Unnatural
2021-11-15 504 犬儒 Cynic
2021-11-15 503 天道 The Highest Of The Six Paths
2021-11-14 502 忠恕之道 To Feel For Others
2021-11-14 501 亦如惡馬,不以轡制 Just As Wild Horse Unchecked By Bridle
2021-11-14 500 文化侵略 Cultural Aggression
2021-11-14 499 節身時食、清淨自活 Conduct Purity, Eating Proper Times & Living Solitude
2021-11-14 498 太極拳 Shadowboxing
2021-11-14 497 善知識 A Noble Teacher
2021-11-14 496 孔孟之道 Doctrine Of Confucius & Mencius
2021-11-13 495 中庸之道 The Golden Mean
2021-11-13 494 野蠻化 Barbarization
2021-11-13 493 癌細胞 Cancer Cells
2021-11-13 492 糖衣毒藥 Poisonous Dragee
2021-11-13 491 弱肉強食看老子 The Law of Jungle & Lao-tzu
2021-11-12 490 當仁不讓看老子 Not Decline to Shoulder a Responsibility VS. Lao-tzu
2021-11-12 489 僧不壞信 On the Advantages For Great Men Gone Forth To Homelessness