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404. 川普律師團重磅揭「自治領計票服務器」總統大選舞弊真相 Trump's lawyers unveil the truth about〝Dominion〞presidential electio
403. 閆麗夢博士第二份報告出爐:病毒流行是「超限生物戰」 Dr. Li-Meng Yan's second report is released: the virus epidemic is〝un
401. 閆麗夢博士首次用漢語解釋第二份報告的來龍去脈 Dr. Li-Meng Yan explained the ins and outs of the second report in Chine
398. 青島、成都出現疑似中共肺炎病例,鍾南山:肯定人傳人 Suspected cases of CCP pneumonia in Qingdao and Chengdu,Zhong Nanshan
146. 採訪閆博士:病毒是從實驗室製造並故意釋放出來的 Interview with Dr. Yan: The virus was created in the laboratory and rel
145. 第二名出逃者,向美提供中共生物武器資訊 The second fugitive, to provide the US with information on CCP’s biological
第二名出逃者,向美提供中共生物武器資訊 2020年9月18日...