312 無為空死,後致有悔 Lest Die After Wasting Lifetime & Regret It
221. 金融界高層的追悔:泯滅良心的表白 Regrets of top financial circles - confession of disappearance of conscience
274. 美國大選後,全球災難才剛剛開始 After the US election, the global catastrophe has just begun
42. 川普以後,再無川普;我們的責任 After Trump, there will be no Trump; our responsibility
《心的修行筆記》2563年~2564年3月【總目錄】 "Leave the Mind Flat" 2563~March 2564 Catalogue
禮佛偈與三皈依 Buddhabhivandana and Refuge In the Triple Gem