美國騷亂誰發動,中共也參與?美國騷亂與香港抗爭有何差異 2020.06.02
67. CCP涉嫌發動美國黑命貴騷亂 CCP is suspected of launching the "Black Lives Matter" riot in the United States
51. 習明澤逃亡美國 Xi Mingze fled to the United States
63. 美國之音也忙著為李飛飛掩飾 VOA is also busy covering up for Fei-Fei Li
64. 美國聯邦調查局調查推特獨立董事李飛飛 FBI investigation Twitter Independent Director Fei-Fei Li
96. TikTok抖音交易影響美國大選 TikTok deal affects US election
被放鴿子的僧伽之二~無常的世間、永恆的真理 The Impermanent World & Eternal Truth