標籤:內觀法語篇 的相關文章

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  時間  文章標題
2021-07-25 025 愛別離苦 Separation From the Loved Is Stressful
2021-07-25 024 求不得苦 Not Getting What One Wants Is Stressful
2021-07-25 023 四聖諦的解釋 The 4-Noble Truths' Explanation
2021-07-25 022 皈依你自己身上的佛法 Refuge in the Dhamma of Yourself
2021-07-25 021 五種的聚合體 Five Aggregates
2021-07-25 020 四種修定 The Four Concentrations
2021-07-24 019 擇善而從 Choose & Follow What Is Right
2021-07-24 018 離開貪欲 Leaves Greed
2021-07-24 017 慧解脫與聖者 Discernment-Release & Saintly-One
2021-07-24 016 心解脫與聖者 Awareness-Release & Saintly-One
2021-07-24 015 做一個「旁觀者」 The Onlookers See Most Clearly
2021-07-24 014 如何破除無明? How To Eradicate Ignorance?
2021-07-24 013 破除無明 To Eradicate Ignorance
2021-07-24 012 佛弟子慎思四依 The Four Bases of Observance
2021-07-23 011 國王的新衣 The Emperor's New Clothes
2021-07-23 010 走出森林 Out of the Woods
2021-07-23 009 佛法不是不思善惡 Buddhism Isn't Unthink Good and Evil
2021-07-22 008 如何持續內觀? How to Continuing Access Insight (Vipassana)?
2021-07-21 007 如何開始內觀? How to Beginning Access Insight (Vipassana)?
2021-07-21 006 兩種常見 Two Wrong Views That Personality Is Permanent
2021-07-20 005 潛意識的緣生 Subconscious Produced by Causal Conditions
2021-07-20 004 因果邏輯 Cause-Effect Logic
2021-07-19 003 明辨善惡 To Know Right From Wrong
2021-07-19 002 去惡修善 To Cut off Evil and Cultivate Goodness
2021-07-18 001 原始佛法的智慧 The Wisdom of Original Buddha's Teachings