標籤:黃金時代篇 的相關文章

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  時間  文章標題
2021-11-04 458 偽老子化胡經 Spurious Sutra On the Conversion Of the Barbarians
2021-11-04 457 反道德 Anti-Ethic
2021-11-03 456 不道德 Miscreancy
2021-11-03 455 黃老 Yellow Emperor & Lao-tzu
2021-11-02 454 蠻夷之邦 Barbarians
2021-11-02 453 邪命生活 VS. 責任感 Evil-Livelihood VS. Responsibility
2021-11-02 452 咒術仙藥、結好貴人 Mumble Incantations & Magic Potions, Bind Powerful
2021-11-02 451 滅絕人性 Cannibalistic
2021-11-02 450 八正道 VS. 八邪道 The Noble Eightfold Path VS. The Wrong Eightfold Path
2021-11-02 449 大火越逸,未足喻也 Fierce Conflagrations No Simile This Danger
2021-11-01 448 狂象無鉤,猿猴得樹 Mad Elephant Unrestrained, Monkey Climbing Tree
2021-11-01 447 不道德的罪行 Vice Crimes
2021-11-01 446 若縱五根,非唯五欲 Evil-Doer Indulging 5-Senses, Desires Not Only Exceed
2021-11-01 445 同情心 Fellow Feeling
2021-11-01 444 不得參預世事、通致使命 Not Concern Worldly Affairs Nor Circulate Rumours
2021-10-31 443 反人類罪行 Crime Of Antiman
2021-10-31 442 斯德哥爾摩症候群 Stockholm Syndrome
2021-10-31 441 文化大滅絕 Great Cultural Genocide
2021-10-31 440 酸葡萄 Sour Grapes
2021-10-31 439 諂曲之心,與道相違 Mind Inclined To Flattery Is Incompatible With Dhamma
2021-10-31 438 世間縛者,沒於眾苦 Attachment to World Immerses in Dukkha
2021-10-31 437 忠孝仁愛 Honesty, Filialness, Humaneness & Charity
2021-10-30 436 推步盈虛、曆數算計 Cast Horoscopes Moon, Nor Reckon Days Of Fortune
2021-10-30 435 以直報怨 To Repay Injustice With Justice
2021-10-30 434 邪命外道 Heresy Of Evil-Livelihood
2021-10-30 433 愚人統治集團 Foolocracy
2021-10-30 432 行少欲者,心則坦然 Diminishing of Desires Achieve Mind of Contentment