標籤:黃金時代篇 的相關文章

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  時間  文章標題
2021-11-12 488 南無僧 Namo Sangha
2021-11-12 487 荒唐事 Folly
2021-11-11 486 雖處天堂,亦不稱意 Not Contented Though Lived In Celestial Mansions
2021-11-11 485 倒果為因的反智理論 Anti-Intellectualism Of Confuse Right & Wrong
2021-11-09 484 離經叛道 Depart From Classics & Rebel Against Orthodoxy
2021-11-09 483 不仁慈 Not Benevolent
2021-11-09 482 狂妄自負 False Pride
2021-11-09 481 惡知識 A Evil Teacher
2021-11-09 480 長生不老 Immortality
2021-11-08 479 老莊邪師 Lao-tzu & Zhuangzi Misbelief
2021-11-08 478 手足之情 Brotherly Affection
2021-11-08 477 若無淨戒…… If You Do Not Maintain Precepts In Purity...
2021-11-08 476 綁架 Hijack
2021-11-07 475 不擇手段 By Any Kind Of Means
2021-11-07 474 合和湯藥、占相吉凶 Compound Medicines, Practise Divination
2021-11-07 473 將無涯畔,不可制也 Exceed All Bounds Will Become Uncontrollable
2021-11-07 472 大屠殺 Bloodbath
2021-11-06 471 疫情 Epidemic Situation
2021-11-06 470 邪命與邪戒 Improper Ways Of Obtaining A Living & Misbeliefs
2021-11-06 469 權益 Rights and Interests
2021-11-06 468 知情權 Uncovered
2021-11-06 467 轉型正義 Transitional Justice
2021-11-06 466 反人類 Antiman
2021-11-05 465 業報 Retribution Of Karma
2021-11-05 464 癌遺傳學 Cancer Genetics
2021-11-05 463 焚書坑儒 To Burn the Books & Bury the Scholars Alive
2021-11-05 462 假內行與惡知識 Snob & Trickster
2021-11-05 461 打妄語的仙丹 Lying Elixir Of Life
2021-11-04 460 包藏禍心 Harbor Evil Intentions
2021-11-04 459 池魚之殃 Calamity Of Fish Pond