標籤:內觀法語篇 的相關文章

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  時間  文章標題
2021-08-11 085 本體理論(我語取) The Soul-Theory
2021-08-11 084 因緣和合 The Union of Causes & Conditions
2021-08-11 083 呼和吸 Exhale and Inhale
2021-08-10 082 對症下藥 Suit the Remedy to the Case
2021-08-10 081 寂滅心中的苦 Cessation of Suffering in Mind
2021-08-10 080 涅槃不是否定因果 Nibbana is not Deny the Law of Karma
2021-08-10 079 因果關系 Cause and Effect Relationship
2021-08-09 078 因果圖表示法 Cause-Effect Graphing
2021-08-09 077 八正道沒有他力 The Noble 8-fold Path Without Another's Strength
2021-08-09 076 十二緣起沒有第一因 12-Dependent Co-arising Without First Factor
2021-08-09 075 修習了八正道以後…… Practice The Noble Eightfold Path After...
2021-08-09 074 四聖諦的真實本質 The 4-Noble Truths' True Essence
2021-08-08073 充要條件 Sufficient & Necessary Condition
2021-08-02 072 智慧!四諦無我、證入涅槃 Nibbana Witnessed By Selfless Equal Wisdom
2021-08-02 071 見法者 The Individual Attained To View
2021-08-02 070 認賊作父的〝開悟〞 Treating a Thief as his Father
2021-08-02 069 充分條件 Sufficient Condition
2021-08-02 068 心的異熟 Mind Reaps What He Planted in his Previous Life
2021-08-02 067 果由緣生 Retribution Be Dependent On Conditions
2021-08-02 066 換湯不換藥 Ring the Changes On
2021-08-01 065 蓮花地獄 Lotus Hell
2021-08-01 064 本末倒置 The Tail Wags the Dog
2021-07-31 063 因圓果滿 The Cause Perfect and the Effect Complete
2021-07-31 062 〝成佛〞非佛說 'To Become Buddha' is not Buddha's Teachings
2021-07-31 061【渴愛:是有為,所以應該觀察「動機」】630605
2021-07-31 060 觀察身心的緣起 Introspect Dependent Co-arising of Body and Mind
2021-07-31 059 無明與我執 Ignorance & Self-Conceited
2021-07-30 058 道德與人心 Moral Judgement and Conscience
2021-07-30 057 雙重標準 Double Standard
2021-07-30 056 四種法鏡 Four Mirror of Dhamma