標籤:內觀法語篇 的相關文章

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  時間  文章標題
2021-08-18 115 以智慧明,滅諸痴暗 With Light of Wisdom Destroy Darkness of Ignorance
2021-08-18 114 逃避責任的〝口頭禪〞 Mouth Meditation
2021-08-18 113 因(必要條件)與緣(充分條件) Cause & Condition
2021-08-18 112 諸行無常 All Formations Are Impermanent
2021-08-17 111 無常與呼吸 Variation & Breathing
2021-08-17 110 生理與心理 Physiology & Psychology
2021-08-17 109 廉與恥 Honest and Ashamed
2021-08-17 108 身和心 Body and Mind
2021-08-17 107 伐煩惱樹 Cutting Down the Tree Of the Affliction
2021-08-17 106 世實危脆,無堅牢者 World Is Nothing Strong Or Enduring
2021-08-17 105 慚恥之服,最為莊嚴 Ashamed Clothing Among All Ornaments Is Very Best
2021-08-17 104 若無愧者,無異禽獸 No Fear Of Blame Isn't Different From Beasts
2021-08-17 103 真正的開悟 True Enlightenment
2021-08-16 102 因果律 Causal Laws
2021-08-16 101 因果法則不滅 Causality Immortalization
2021-08-15 100 捨諸放逸,如離怨賊 Rid Laxity As Flee From A Hateful Robber
2021-08-15 099 呼吸 Exhale and Inhale
2021-08-15 098 入出息念 Mindful of Breathing
2021-08-14 097 回到當下 Back To Here & Now In The Moment
2021-08-14 096 活在當下 Living In The Moment
2021-08-14 095 苦若滅者,即是因滅 Destroyed Dukkha Because Has Destroyed Cause
2021-08-13 094 世皆無常 The World Nothing There Is Eternal
2021-08-13 093 內觀智見 Insight Knowledge
2021-08-13 092 八正道 The Noble Eightfold Path
2021-08-12 091 智慧之照 Vipassana
2021-08-12 090 傲慢與偏見 Pride & Prejudiced View
2021-08-12 089 中道的智慧 The Enlightenment of Golden Mean
2021-08-12 088 三法印與四聖諦 The 3-Aspects & 4-Noble Truths of Buddhist Teaching
2021-08-12 087 因滅故果滅 If the Cause is Destroyed the Result must also be Destroyed
2021-08-11 086 傲慢與謙卑 Pride & Modesty