標籤:內觀法語篇 的相關文章

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  時間  文章標題
2021-08-24 145 諸行皆是壞滅之法 Decay Is Inherent In All Component Things
2021-08-23 144 應自精進不放逸 Work Out Your Salvation With Diligence
2021-08-23 143 思滅苦本 Reflecting Upon Dukkha, Its Arising & Cessation
2021-08-23 142 於諸功德,常當一心 Regards All of Virtue, Should Always Rid Laxity
2021-08-23 141 聞思修慧,而自增益 Benefits of Hearing, Thinking & Development Wisdom
2021-08-23 140 逃避現實? Escapism?
2021-08-23 139 先天和後天 Inborn & Acquired
2021-08-23 138 內省與外求 Introspection & Insatiability
2021-08-23 137 內在人格 VS. 外在動機 Anima VS. External motivation
2021-08-23 136 內因與外因 Endexoteric
2021-08-23 135 良知和良能 Innate Knowledge and Moral Sense
2021-08-22 134 能知世間,生滅法相 Understand Arising & Passing Away of the World
2021-08-22 133 觀照 Intelligent Contemplation
2021-08-21 132 心解脫不一定是「聖者」 Awareness-Release Uncertain Of A Saintly-One
2021-08-21 131 四諦勿疑 On Clearing Up All Doubts
2021-08-21 130 唯當善滅,戲論之患 Eliminate the Illness of Idle Discussion
2021-08-21 129 對治自諦與戲論 The Virtue of Restraint from Idle Talk
2021-08-21 128 當急捨離,亂心戲論 Cease From Chaotic Thoughts & Idle Discussions
2021-08-21 127 正念正知 The Virtue of Attentiveness
2021-08-20 126 滅苦智慧 The Knowledge of the Extinction of Dukkha
2021-08-20 125 無明黑暗,大明燈也 Brilliant Light Dispel the Dark Of Ignorance
2021-08-20 124 當自端心、正念求度 Steadfast Mind With Mindfulness For Enlightenment
2021-08-20 123 修習善法,無令失時 Should Practise Good Dhamma & Not To Waste Time
2021-08-20 122 安那般那念(繫念呼吸) Mindfulness On In-And-Out-Breathing
2021-08-20 121 雖無天眼,而是明見人 Though Eyes But Fleshly Organs Will See Clearly
2021-08-20 120 諸法無我 All Things Are Without A Self
2021-08-20 119 常當攝念在心 Keep Your Mind In Constant Attention
2021-08-20 118 求善知識無如不忘念 Seek Out Noble Friend Unexcelled Unbroken Attention
2021-08-19 117 惡知識與善知識 Evil Friend & Noble Friend
2021-08-18 116 諸行是苦 All Formations Subject To Suffering