46. 紅衣主教的驚悚預言;世界新秩序之下,並無真正的秩序 The scary prediction of the cardinal; under the new world order, there
5. 世界是虛擬的,因果是真實的 The world is virtual, but cause and effect are real
☼ 無處亦無容 ☞ 極樂世界在哪裡? ~☺
19. 白色恐怖?地檢署連夜偵訊!台灣還在戒嚴嗎? White terror? Is Taiwan still under martial law?
48. 中共與魔鬼的契約,血祭地球人 The contract between the CCP and the devil - People of the world were sacrificed
被放鴿子的僧伽之二~無常的世間、永恆的真理 The Impermanent World & Eternal Truth