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2020-12-27 臉書扎克伯格5億資金涉黑錢機構干預大選 Facebook Zuckerberg 500 million funds involved in money-related institutions int
2020-12-27 一些騙子改變了比爾‧蓋茨的2020 TED演講,以刪掉了他的揭示性預測,即「我們很快將需要數字疫苗」 Some chiseler has altered Bill Gates's 2020 TED t
2020-12-27 郭文貴:白邦瑞根本不瞭解中共國 Miles Guo - Michael Pillsbury does not understand the CCP at all
2020-12-27 美國選舉政變:「彭斯沈默式」退卻!川普仍遵循「司法之路」 US election coup - "Pence silent" retreat! Trump still follows the "Jud
2020-12-27 香港警察涉嫌殺害市民後拋屍棄海 Hong Kong police abandoned their bodies in the sea after suspected of killing citize
2020-12-27 英國議員艾麗西亞‧凱恩斯:英國對香港負道德責任 British Member of Parliament Alicia Kearns - Britain has a moral responsibil
2020-12-27 郝毅博:請幫助香港 Please help Hong Kong - Ben Hedges
2020-12-25 加拿大特魯多親共秘密文件曝光:為了討好習近平…… Canada's Trudeau pro-communist secret documents were exposed to please Xi J
2020-12-25 退役中將爆料美國深層政府的 HAMMER 計劃 The retired lieutenant general broke the news about US DEEPSTATE's HAMMER pl
2020-12-25 對抗深層政府/奧黑軍團 How deep is the Swamp?〝Dark Obama Legion〞?Message from the Goddess of the U.S.
2020-12-25 希爾頓2018年有關深層政府的美國官僚機構視頻 Hilton's 2018 U.S. bureaucracy video on deep government
2020-12-24 2020美國大選調查──誰在盜竊美國? 2020 US General Election Survey-Who is stealing the US?
2020-12-24 卡里‧馬德伊博士緊急警告不要將DARPA HydroGel引入COVID疫苗,通過人工智能全面控制人類 Dr. Carrie Madej Urgently Warns Against Coming D
2020-12-24 疫苗是救人良藥還是控制人的手段? Is the vaccine a good medicine or a means to control people?
2020-12-24 馬克思並非共產主義的創始人 Marx was not the founder of communism
2020-12-24 美國人民要求川普總統下令戒嚴以拯救國家 The People of the United States request president Trump order Martial Law to sav
2020-12-24 TOTOLINK路由器被爆料後門:建議台灣政府嚴格把關大陸貨,注意資訊安全!個資外洩問題嚴重! The back door of TOTOLINK router was revealed: It is