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2020-11-22 404. 川普律師團重磅揭「自治領計票服務器」總統大選舞弊真相 Trump's lawyers unveil the truth about〝Dominion〞presidential electio
2020-11-22 403. 閆麗夢博士第二份報告出爐:病毒流行是「超限生物戰」 Dr. Li-Meng Yan's second report is released: the virus epidemic is〝un
2020-11-22 402. 路德時評:閆麗夢博士接受大量媒體採訪 LUDE Media - Dr. Li-Meng Yan accepted a large number of media interviews
2020-11-22 401. 閆麗夢博士首次用漢語解釋第二份報告的來龍去脈 Dr. Li-Meng Yan explained the ins and outs of the second report in Chine
2020-11-22 400. 2020年10月8日閆麗夢博士第二份報告高清英文視頻版 HD English video version of Dr. Li-Meng Yan's second report on Oct
2020-11-22 399. 鍾南山:武漢政府隱瞞疫情 Zhong Nanshan - Wuhan government conceals the epidemic
2020-11-22 398. 青島、成都出現疑似中共肺炎病例,鍾南山:肯定人傳人 Suspected cases of CCP pneumonia in Qingdao and Chengdu,Zhong Nanshan
2020-11-20 397. 十分可怕!盎格魯‧撒克遜任務,疫情之後的事已經全部計畫好了…… It's terrible!Anglo-Saxon mission,everything after the epidemic
2020-11-20 396. 共濟會的陰謀:盎格魯‧撒克遜任務 Freemasonry conspiracy - The Anglo Saxon Mission Ⅳ
2020-11-20 395. 共濟會的喬治亞巨石陣 The Freemason's Georgia Guidestones Ⅲ
2020-11-20 394. 盎格魯‧撒克遜任務:中共國將感冒 The Anglo-Saxon Mission - China will catch a cold Ⅱ
2020-11-20 393. 比爾‧瑞安解釋的盎格魯撒克遜任務 The Anglo-Saxon Mission,explained by Bill Ryan Ⅰ
2020-11-20 392. 簡‧布爾格邁斯特:豬流感 Jane Bürgermeister:Swine flu
2020-11-20 391. 簡‧布爾格邁斯特:大衛和歌利亞 Jane Bürgermeister:David and Goliath
2020-11-20 390. 科里‧古德第三集:月球基地、意識力量、拒絕盲從,開啟冥想之門 Corey Goode - Moon base,power of consciousness,refusal to follow
2020-11-20 389. 科里‧古德第二集:秘密太空計畫,意識、能量和業力輪迴對人體影響 Corey Goode - The secret space project,the impact of the cycle
2020-11-20 388. 科里‧古德第一集:地球早已經有反重力飛船!火星月球都有我們基地! Corey Goode - The earth already has anti-gravity spacecraft!We
2020-11-20 387. 蒙托克計劃實際上是真實的! The Montauk Project is actually real
2020-11-20 386. 鳳凰實驗:復活蒙托克計畫的最終項目 The Phoenix Project - Resurrecting Montauk’s Final Project
2020-11-20 385. 大衛‧威爾庫克的醒覺之路(三) David Wilcock's road to awakening Ⅲ
2020-11-20 384. 大衛‧威爾庫克的醒覺之路(二) David Wilcock's road to awakening Ⅱ
2020-11-20 383. 大衛‧威爾庫克的醒覺之路(一) David Wilcock's road to awakening Ⅰ
2020-11-19 382. 《崇高之上》最有價值的揭秘紀錄片 'Above Majestic' the most valuable revealing documentary
2020-11-19 381. 揭露電影:崇高之上(預告片四) 'Above Majestic' Documentary Trailer Ⅳ
2020-11-19 380. 揭露電影:崇高之上(預告片三) 'Above Majestic' Documentary Trailer Ⅲ
2020-11-19 379. 揭露電影:崇高之上(預告片二) 'Above Majestic' Documentary Trailer Ⅱ
2020-11-19 378. 揭露電影:崇高之上(預告片一) 'Above Majestic' Documentary Trailer Ⅰ
2020-11-19 377. 科里‧古德:揚升與時代終結的預言,觀眾問答(2/2) Corey Goode - Audience Q&A Ⅱ
2020-11-19 376. 科里‧古德:揚升與時代終結的預言(1/2) Corey Goode - Prophecy of Ascension and the End of the Era Ⅰ
2020-11-18 375. 科里‧古德揭秘如何開天目和啟動超能力 Corey Goode reveals how to open the third eye and activate super powers