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2021-01-23 53. 紀錄片《蠶食美國2:欺詐大師》 AGENDA 2:Masters of Deceit
2021-01-23 52. 紀錄片《蠶食美國1:碾碎美國的圖謀》 Agenda:Grinding America Down
2021-01-22 51. 柯提斯‧包威斯:威脅就在我們身邊 Curtis Bowers - The threat is all around us
2021-01-22 50. 柯提斯‧包威斯:左派如何操縱美國大選? Curtis Bowers - How does the left manipulate the US election?
2021-01-22 49. 專訪:《蠶食美國》製片人柯提斯‧包威斯 Interview - Curtis Bowers, producer of "AGENDA:Grinding America Down"
2021-01-22 48. 柯提斯‧包威斯:馬克思主義議程今天如何接管美國? Curtis Bowers - How the Marxist Agenda Is Taking Over America Today?
2021-01-22 47. 《蠶食美國》的製片人柯提斯‧包威斯在底特律大都會自由聯盟會議上的報告 Curtis Bowers at MEDEFCO
2021-01-22 46. 紅衣主教的驚悚預言;世界新秩序之下,並無真正的秩序 The scary prediction of the cardinal; under the new world order, there
2021-01-22 45. 紅衣主教致信川普,發出嚴重警告:文明將被陰謀集團取消! The cardinal sent a letter to Trump to issue a serious warning: civ
2021-01-22 44. 如果失去這個領域,我們將永遠失去美國 If we lose this field, we will lose America forever
2021-01-22 43. 震驚!民調顯示79%的人認為美國將四分五裂 Shock! Polls show that 79% of people think America will fall apart
2021-01-22 42. 川普以後,再無川普;我們的責任 After Trump, there will be no Trump; our responsibility
2021-01-22 41. 遭FB禁言,ptt創辦人杜奕瑾:社媒審查霸凌你我 FB banned, PTT founder Du Yijin - Social media censorship bullies you a
2021-01-22 40. 羅斯柴爾德集團董座班傑明羅斯柴爾德突然逝世 The sudden death of Benjamin de Rothschild, chairman of the Rothschild Gro
2021-01-22 39. 傑明羅斯柴爾德57歲突逝世,神秘家族再受熱議 Benjamin de Rothschild died suddenly at 57 years old, and the mysterious
2021-01-22 38. 與Gitana團隊創始人班傑明羅斯柴爾德會面 Rencontre avec Benjamin de Rothschild,fondateur du Gitana Team
2021-01-22 37. 銀行繼承人本傑明‧德‧羅斯柴爾德去世享年57歲 Banking heir Benjamin de Rothschild dies at 57
2021-01-22 36. 九名大主教一週內去世,美國務院發佈中共病毒源頭為生物武器 Nine archbishops died within a week, and the US State Department an
2021-01-22 35. 美國國務卿蓬佩奧在自由亞洲廣播電台的演講 Speech by US Secretary of State Pompeo on Radio Free Asia
2021-01-22 34. 蓬佩奧在國家新聞俱樂部發表講話 LIVE:Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Speaks at National Press Club in Washington,
2021-01-22 33. 蓬佩奧:新聞有好消息或壞消息,但我們要告訴你真相 Pompeo - The news has good or bad news, but we want to tell you the tru
2021-01-22 32. 蓬佩奧:中共的言語都必須不信任和查證 Pompeo - The CCP’s words must be distrusted and verified
2021-01-21 31. 國務卿蓬佩奧對美國之音講話:力挺川普、抨擊中共 Secretary of State Pompeo's speech to VOA: Support Trump and attack the
2021-01-21 30. 美國國務卿蓬佩奧在美國之音發表講話 US Secretary of State Pompeo delivers a speech at VOA
2021-01-21 29. 台海戰爭風險升到最高!非洲直指北京是禍源 The risk of war in the Taiwan Strait has risen to the highest level! Africa
2021-01-21 28. 情報總監談中共角色 Director of Intelligence talks about the role of the CCP
2021-01-21 27. 拜登簽行政令改變川普政策 Biden signs executive order to change Trump policy
2021-01-21 26. 安東尼‧孔安在重要新聞發布會上提出了一些關鍵問題 Anthony Kuhn Raised Some Critical Questions in an Important News Confer
2021-01-21 25. 烏干達總統在美國官方媒體上譴責美國深層政府和西方虛假主流媒體 The President of Uganda condemned the US deep government and the
2021-01-21 24. 川普在空軍一號基地告別,彭斯祝賀賀錦麗當選發;美前國會議員客廳,懸掛毛澤東像 Trump bid farewell to Air Force Base No. 1, and Pence con